Research and Resources
To take the self quiz on day home quality or check out the differences in Alberta day home agency characteristics, click the button below.
Take the self quiz on childcare system support for family day homes here:
To learn more about my research on family day homes, read these articles from the University of Alberta on Folio or at The Gateway, or listen to the CBC Radio Active interview!
Educator self-quiz coming soon!
Join the Day Home
Community of Practice!
The Community of Practice is being offered free of charge as part of my research at the University of Alberta. As such, you are officially invited to participate in the research! The study is called Growing Stronger Together: A Mixed-Methods Case Study on Communities of Practice with Canadian Family Day Home Educators, and the ethics ID is Pro00129831.
The research survey has now closed with 255 responses from registered and unregistered day home across Alberta. Thank you for your support, I cannot wait to share what we have learned!
When I first started researching day homes and looking for resources, they were hidden, decentralized, and very hard to find. There is great stuff out there, but when you don't know where to look, finding support is hard! Day Home Dreams makes it easy by listing helpful sites and documents below.
Research by Laura Woodman
Supporting Quality and Longevity in Alberta's Family Day Home Educators (Master's Thesis)
Overcoming the Challenges of Family Day Home Educators: A Family Ecological Theory Approach
Out of the Shadows: An Epistemological Examination of Family Childcare in Canada
Licensed Alberta Day Home Quick Links
Alberta Child Care Grant Funding Program
Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Act
Day Home Guidelines - Alberta Health Services
Family Day Home Standards Manual for Alberta
List of Licensed Family Day Home Agencies
Supports for Private and Contracted Day Homes
Home Child Care Training Materials - CCCF
Flight: Alberta's Early Learning and Care Framework
*If you know of an important resource not listed here, please let us know!