
The Canadian Family Childcare Foundation supports successful family childcare programs by:
Working with educators, consultants, agencies, and policymakers to collaboratively boost abilities
Supporting family childcare research to amplify educator voices
Offering centralized lists of important sites and documents
Compiling easy-to-navigate links to research centering on day homes
Advocating for day home needs: we are unique! We need to be viewed and treated with an understanding of our strengths, abilities, and supports required for success
Providing monthly networking and educational sessions for day home educators and consultants/agencies
Highlighting up-to-date continuing education opportunities near and far

We value the experience of being lifelong learners, acknowledging that growth and development occur throughout the lifespan.
Our Values
We value the experience of being lifelong learners, acknowledging that growth and development occur throughout the lifespan. While day homes primarily support the growth of young children, our organization supports the growth of educators and professionals who enable quality and longevity in childcare. As you cannot take care of someone else unless you are caring for yourself, our biggest value is helping educators get their needs are met, so their ability to meet children's needs can be sustained.

Our Vision
We dream of day homes that are nurturing, joyful, and sustainable! This can only happen if educators themselves enjoy well-being, made possible through a healthy work-life balance and practice of self-care. We dream of working closely with day home agencies, government policy makers, and key stakeholders including other influential organizations and professionals. Growing a community of practice, supporting networking and professional development, and offering a place of support, nourishment, and advocacy are among our highest ideals.